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  • A Survival Guide for Social Media Platforms in the Psychedelic Space

A Survival Guide for Social Media Platforms in the Psychedelic Space

We are no strangers to the challenges imposed by social media algorithms and censorship. From Facebook to TikTok to YouTube, our content has repeatedly been removed. In December 2020, a significant algorithm change known as "the medic update" on Google slashed our traffic in half overnight. This update buried our thorough harm reduction content, favoring less informative posts on other sites.

Instagram, however, presents the most formidable challenges. We've faced post removals, live streaming bans, shadow bans, and even total account deactivations without warning—twice. Despite considering a departure from these platforms, we recognize their importance for community engagement and message dissemination. We've learned a few strategies along the way, which we're eager to share, though much remains shrouded in the secretive operations of these companies.

Instagram Censorship: Strategies for Resilience

  1. Proactive Account Management: Start with a backup account, mirroring your content there. This isn’t about building a new audience but safeguarding your presence.

  2. Cautious Content Creation: Avoid using Instagram-banned words directly. Instead, find creative spellings or synonyms. For example, instead of 'psychedelics', use 'P$ychedel*cs' or 'entheogens'. Here are more alternatives:

    • Psychedelics: P$ychedel!cs, sacred medicines

    • MDMA: MDM@, Molly

    • Ketamine: Ket@m*ne, K

    • Psilocybin/Shrooms: P$ilocyb*n, magic mushies

    • LSD: L$D, Acid

    • Microdose: Micr0dos3, M!cr0dose

  3. Early Warning Signs: Shadow-banning or reduced discoverability may indicate imminent problems. If Instagram doesn’t auto-populate your account name in searches, it’s a red flag.

  4. If You’re Flagged: Capture all warnings and store them. Avoid aggressive contestation of post removals; instead, pause your Instagram activity temporarily to reset your standing.

  5. Reactivation Strategies: If your account is deactivated, immediately contest it. Present your case with your business legitimacy, emphasizing adherence to Instagram’s community guidelines. Keep communications polite but persistent.

  6. Community Mobilization: Rally your community to report issues through Instagram’s problem report feature. Make the process simple with clear, concise instructions and visuals.

  7. Continuous Advocacy: If your primary account is blocked, use your backup to keep pressing your case. Persistence is key.